Amelia Z. Meier

Born 1983, and raised bilingually (German/English). Attended kindergarten, primary, and secondary school near Baden Switzerland. Left cantonal school after one year for three years’ work and travel in the United States.
Upon return to Switzerland, completed British A-Levels at the Hull School, Zurich. Subsequently spent one gap year traveling, trekking, and teaching English in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, India, and Nepal.
Upon returning to Switzerland in 2001 started a job in the Editorial Office of the European Heart Journal, a peer-reviewed journal of cardiology. At the same time, entered the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) from which I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts ZFH in Communications, with a minor in Organizational Communications.
From 2013, continued work for the European Heart Journal, primarily as a “digital nomad” from abroad working from Thailand, Japan, the USA, Colombia and Ecuador.
Steadily volunteered services for various non-profit organizations: Most notable between 2011 and 2013 for Aiducation International, responsible for Communications and Marketing. From 2013 onwards for Trash Hero World with responsibility for global Communications, Marketing, and Fundraising. Volunteer work as a Zurich “Reader” for Die Buchpaten, an organization designed to promote and foster good reading habits and skills in young children.
What I'm good at...
Damian Suter
Language skills and high quality, reliability, and professionalism… these are only a few of the factors that speak for the language services of Amelia Meier. We highly value this collaboration.
Annemarie Auer
Amelia is fluent in both English and German and is comfortable communicating in either language. She is able to quickly familiarise herself with the wide range of translation topics as well as the wording of the respective company. She takes initiative, applies her editorial skills, and delivers flawless results, which have always been to the fullest satisfaction of my clients and me.
Matthias Meier
Amelia has supported our cause for many years now and moderated several events to the highest of our satisfaction. She has the unique ability to professionally prepare and run events, knows how to share our story in front of a diverse audience, and can create tremendous energy before, during, and after our gatherings.
Kristina Lemke
Amelia Meier has been active as one of the readers of Die Buchpaten since 2015. She trained in the technique of dialogical reading and independently develops participatory readings in different kindergartens. Both children and their parents take part in these readings. Amelia’s lively reading capabilities and her friendly and communicate demeanor inspired both children and parents alike.
What are my fees?
“Services for services.” I also am pleased to trade my expertise for your own.